Thursday, November 13, 2008

More Warrior diet

My 100 day experiment with the Warrior Diet which began with reading Marty Gallagher's book the Puposeful Primitive is in its' last weeks and I am very pleased with it. Here is a list of pros and cons from my little experiment in self nutrition:

1. Compliance
. This may be the easiest plan I have ever encountered in terms of schedule and food selsection. Undereat all day, overeat at the big meal and stick to mostly natural food sources. Of course there is more to it than that, but that is the essence.

2. Schedule. I really love not having to stop and eat every 3 hours.

3. The BIG meal. On frequent feeding schedules, I often never feel like I quite got enough to eat at any single feeding. Not so with the PM Throwdown on the WD.

4. Fat loss. No doubt about it, the WD works for both shedding fat and building strength. I am a full 15lbs lighter than when I began and am about to drop below 260lbs for the first time this decade.

5. Taste. When the PM Throwdown rolls around, a couple of interesting things happen: Food tastes better. It's like a sharpening of the sense of taste. This also makes me crave the good stuff, especially beef and fruit.

1. Compliance.
This is not a problem witht he Warrior Diet, this is a deficiency in my personality. As I stated above, the WD is the easist, simplest schedule of eating I have ever followed. My compliance problem with it is the same as with any other: Poor choices and lack of planning.

Example: I did not plan well when I went to Japan. The time difference, available food and change in schedule were tougher than I anticipated.

Example: My inner fat kid can will take control if I let him, and he like cookies and fries. I let that happen too much during this 100 day jaunt.

2. Explanation. I get strange looks when I explain the WD. I get a lot of "they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day" or "you shouldn't skip meals" if I don't have lunch. I tell them I do eat breakfast and lunch-at 8pm with supper.

Then there is "they say that you shouldn't eat after 6pm", etc. I have to ask exactly who "they" are and how they know. Still don't have an answer on that one.

However, my profession is Instructor, and I am getting more confident and skillful at explaining the WD, so I don't know that it is really a con so much as I just need to get better at it.

I plan to continue on the WD and am looking forward to seeing what happens as I get better at it.


Stephen Gurtowski said...

Terrific explanation, Dave. I agree 100% with all you said. I also have difficulty explaining the diet to people. Something that happened to me, the more consistent I became with the diet, I became more sensitive, positive and negative, to certain foods. For example, I'm not lactose intolerant, but I can really feel a sense of bloat when I eat too much dairy.

Jordan Vezina said...

Good post Dave. I have found the hardest part of the warrior diet to be explaining it and making the explanation believable.

jbuddhaneid said...

been on a warrior kick as well mate, the guiness fits, I think, any way, I like what RKC II Spencer Bradford said, I don't want to be fed, I want to eat

I dig the WD, just have to remember to keep just below...peckish..

Jennifer said...

" I get strange looks when I explain the WD. I get a lot of "they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day" or "you shouldn't skip meals" if I don't have lunch. I tell them I do eat breakfast and lunch-at 8pm with supper."
That last bit is so very YOU. I can even hear the inflection in your voice when you say it. I love it.

Unknown said...

I have enjoyed reading about your Warrior Diet experience. I also appreciate you sharing Sara Cheatham's website in the other blog; enjoyed reading some of her blog as well. I am thinking about experimenting with this myself, but we will see. Right now I have to actually make it to class, right?

MikeC in NZ RKC said...

I used the WD last year but found I was eating too much fruit & veges in the under eating stage as the small f&v snacks stimulated my appetite to want more.

Now I fast for 18 -20 hours without any calories and I find it works a lot better. I don't get hungry as my appetite isn't being teased in the under eating phase and my training is a lot better


Anonymous said...

I'm 40, and all my life I've fought my natural instints to eat little or nothing during the day and really get satisfied late in the day with one meal. Finally, someone has validated that eating 20 times a day isn't natural for everyone. This diet is perfect for me and no more insomnia! I've thown my sleeping pills away, am losing fat, and have tons more mental clarity and energy during the day. What a relief!

Doru Pantea said...
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Doru Pantea said...

I’ve started following this diet 2 days ago. I am eating a banana in the morning in order to not feel pain on my stomach and to avoid getting sick of gastritis. At 6 PM I am going to the gym (body building workout 3 days a week/ running or swimming for 2 days) and at 9.30 PM when I’m back home I eat everything I found in the fridge. Last night I eat fish, chicken, oven baked potato, cheese and 1 apple  I’ve already lost 1 kg and the training session was very good. I had the necessary energy and I didn’t feel dizzy at the end of it. I will keep you posted regarding ups and downs in following this diet. Cheers, Doru