Thursday, May 8, 2008

So there I was, minding my own business....

...driving to my morning class when a woman in a little red car ran a red light, directly in front of me and I plowed into her driver's side.

Thankfully, God was looking out for me and I emerged unharmed. So did the 20 or so kettlebells I was carrying.

My car on the other hand ain't doing so well. I haven't heard from the insurance adjuster yet, but I am expecting it to be a total loss.


Nikki Shlosser said...


So glad you're okay, Sir!!

Howie B said...

Glad to hear you're ok Dave. After getting rear ended on the highway not too long ago, I started on my quest to collect milk crates to move my bells in. The last thing I want is to be inside a kettlebell pinball machine!

fawn said...

Yikes! Scary... I got rear-ended with a 24kg in the back seat of my civic... now the kb ride in the trunk.

I am glad you are alright... cars can be replaced.

hunashaman said...

Damn Dave. Glad you're OK. Good luck with the insurance issues.

Taikei Matsushita said...

My god!

You and your bells were safe then.

Doug Nepodal Sr. RKC said...

That's HARDSTYLE! Glad to hear you are OK.