Naina (rhymes with banana) Bhasin (rhymes with “machine’) came down from Iowa to pay a visit to a lucky few of us here in Music City over the Memorial Day weekend as a part of her spring tour 2007. She was still reeling from the RKC experience and, as always, full of enthusiasm.
Last year she was living here, about to move to the cornfields to cut the hearts out of rodents for a living (she is a research scientist who is doing some extensive work with heart arrhythmia, but what I said sounds way cooler).
Her last workout with me before moving off was on Memorial Day 2006 and it was hard. Really hard. She asked for more this year, saying something about making it an annual tradition.
It was a busy day and a half for her and by the time she got to my house to do the workout, she had about 20 minutes to get to the airport. I went into "300" mode here is what she did:
Beast Sumo Deadlift. (This is within a couple of pounds of BODYWEIGHT for her.)
25 reps
25 reps
18lb Clean and press
25 per side
18lb Snatch
100 total, switching every 10 reps
Thruster18lb KB
25 per side
16 kg Swings 50 reps
Try it. If you are a guy 200lbs or more double the weight. I dare ya.
Naina (rhymes with banana) is the real deal. I hope all is well and wish her good luck with the rodent heart thing.
Awesome work Naina!
Great work Naina.
I'm going to have to try that. Could be fun.
David, did I send you the picture of you bent press her in the bar?
I can ge it to you if I haven't.
Way to go Naina! Irontamer, Please post pictures of the rarely seen "Nana press" Would love it.
Naina was on my team at the April cert. (Williams) and she has guts. Don't ever let size or appearance fool you when it comes to a Girya.
I know I am not up to your 200+lb. challenge at the moment (R shoulder is down - rehabbing)
Holy mama!
Naina sent it to me. Thanks!
I hate burpees, maybe that's a reason to do them!
Naina was one of the highlights of the April cert for me! She's awesome and her enthusiasm shows in her training.
Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. I look forward to the day we can train together again!
Naina the banana was great at the last cert!So positive and strong! great photo.
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