Monday, January 14, 2008


My Dad sent me an interesting blurb from Bruno Gideon:

Our Personal Batteries.

We surround ourselves with our electronic babysitters - laptops, iPods, BlackBerries, portable radios, and more. We make sure they are always fully charged and ready to go, so we can be reached anytime. And if our cellphone falls into a mug of milk - as happened to me recently - it's a major catastrophe. No cell for a whole day? Unbearable!

Technology can make our lives one long, continuous, exciting buzz. It's tempting to live and work 24/7, taking just enough short breaks to keep our act going. However, this is a dangerous way to live! Our personal batteries also need to be recharged if we are to be happy and successful over the long run. Relaxing weekends, spending time at ease for more than just a few minutes, meditating and stepping back from time to time to re-evaluate where we are and where we are going - all this is vitally important for us.

Does this speak to you? Then maybe it is time for you to say: "I need to get a life."

You are at lunch and your phone is ringing. Do you really have to answer it?

I don't really feel the need to add to it.

Thanks Dad!


Anonymous said...

You look thin and beautiful. Great work this past year and I'll see you sometime this year for sure!

Iron Tamer said...

Thanks Will,

I ma looking forward to your conquest of Cali!

Franz Snideman said...

So true David! Technology is both a blessing and a curse! We all need alot more time to "re-sharpen" the saw per say!